The Story
This album was born from the frustrations of a corporate directional change at Pernod Ricard the third largest liquor company in the US.
It speaks to the unnatural idiosyncrasies of watching those you have worked with for years, suddenly be forced out. And the expectancy to carry on daily as if nothing is happening around you. It is also the vocal piece for some of the other work related issues that I’ve experienced, and are probably universal due to the nature of man.
Everywhere through your life you can see where someone is fighting for control over what you do, or how you think. There are influences every where that you have to battle through especially on a job. It may be true that in the end we all fighting for it.
These Eyes
The world can only be viewed through your eyes and from what you see, things need to be fixed. This song speaks to how your coworkers you work with every day can be tossed out in a second and you are to continue as if nothing happened at all.
Living your Dreams
We all have stories to tell of our lives whether big or small. Here are a few stories of people overcoming their challenges and still finding light after the darkness. So ask yourself how far are you willing to push your dreams?
They are everywhere. Backstabbers are the little mole co-workers that snitch to the boss about little things, look for opportunities to hate and just trip you up. You have to watch for these people.
OHH yeah babe we all want it. But when you do get it, imagine what you would do? Here is me and my friend Ronnie Bops point of view.
Walk of Exit
Sometimes you will turn around and it will be your time to leave the job, and when that happens you will have to do your own Walk Of Exit and live with the WOE’s. But don’t let them keep you down as a blessing is coming.
Pressed on me
When you reach a certain age you will find joy and bliss in just sitting down, all of your after work party life will be pooped out and you will do more hibernation to have energy for your next task. This is the song for that feeling.
The Breathalyzer Test
Have you ever worked at a place so much you felt like you might be loosing the internal elements that make you unique? Have you ever felt the years build up on you and wonder where is the fun and life you used to have? Well this is that test.
Take a small glimpse of a white collar worker who though piled up by frustrations, must find a way to Breathe.